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LifeSkills Express

This person-centred program is designed to deliver learning and skills development in a holistic, experiential manner, focusing on strengths rather than limitations.

It provides a blend of life and independent living skills interspersed with the personal tools

needed to encourage self-reliance, enable the realisation of individual capacities and

potential, and fulfil the needs and aspirations of each individual to achieve valued roles 

in the community.

Funded for eligible students by the NSW Government through Community Obligation Funding (CSO),

LifeSkills Express aims to:

  • build skills in a range of areas to enable participants to take significant steps towards independence, further study and, potentially, volunteering and employment.

  • support the continuing growth and development of Language, Literacy & Numeracy as well as digital technology skills

  • build self-confidence through practical, creative and engaging activities that will provide challenges as well as fun and enjoyment.

  • provide enterprising opportunities leading to participants becoming more engaged in their community.

The LifeSkills Express program is, wherever possible, designed to allow for a full days participation. Enrolment into both sessions is encouraged to facilitate important social interactions, connection and new friendships over lunch. However enrolment into the morning or afternoon sessions individually may be possible, depending on the program. Please contact the college to discuss.

These Programs have been held recently but can/will be run as demand dictates - minimum of six students required to run. Join the waiting list to express your interest in a particular program or to suggest a new one!
We can pick and mix our day programs according to popularity!
What a Wonderful World
1 day per week x 10 weeks 
Computer Research Skills
Full Day Program
10 x day sessions 9:00am - 3:00pm 
Morning session - 10:00am - 12:00pm 

Brush up on your computer skills with this fun research project that will take you places you may never have been! We will travel the globe and visit a different country each week. You challenge is to complete a quiz about each country using your research skills. What language is spoken in this country? What is their currency? How far is it from Port Macquarie? And many more.... we will chart our travels on a class map - will you make it all around the world? In week 10 we will share our travels with Family, Friends and Carers in our final day presentation


Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:

FSKWTG001 - Complete personal details on extremely simple and short workplace forms

FSKWTG003 Write short and simple workplace information

Plus Non-Accredited Computer Research Skills

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
Crafternoon Tea
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Get creative with this Visual Arts course which will be held at the MakerSpace!

Uncover your creativity and work on your concentration skills at the same time! Work together as a team to make useful and beautiful arty crafty things that reflect the culture of the countries we visited in the morning session.

You will need to bring a smock or oversized shirt to protect your clothing because things could get messy!


Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKOCM001 Participate in highly familiar spoken exchanges 

Plus Non-Accredited Module Instructions - Giving them & Getting Them

This is a full day program with students required to attend both sessions.
Going Places
Travel Training
Full day Program
10 x day sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm 
All day program - 10:00am - 3:00pm 

Departs from MakerSpace
Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch unless the days activity includes purchasing lunch.

This fun course you will help you gain the skills and confidence to get you really Going Places. Never be late again! Learn about how to travel around on your own, how to plan your trip and all the different ways to get to where you are going! 
Learn about:
• bus timetables
• street maps 
• road safety 
• the dangers of hitch hiking.
Develop problem solving skills in case things dont go to plan and who and how to ask for help. 
You will plan a trip to a secret destination as you develop your independent travel skills.

Students will be supported to complete the following units of Competency:
FSKNUM006 Use simple and highly familiar spatial information for work
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use simple and familiar spatial information in highly familiar workplace maps, diagrams and oral directions. 

FSKWTG002 Write basic workplace formatted texts 

Plus Unaccredited Travel Safety module
Plus unaccredited Digital Technology module

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Support Workers encouraged to attend

Full day Program
10 x day sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm 
Cafe Capers
Food Preparation
Morning session - 10:00am - 12:00pm 

In this  fun program, students will have the opportunity to learn the skills to make a great cup of tea or coffee as well as lots of fun with milkshakes,  smoothies and  other fun and nutricious food & drinks. 
We will spend time learning how to stay safe around the kitchen and follow some basic food hygiene and safety guidelines.
In this program, we will be building life skills, with a focus on:
Teamwork  •  Nutrition  •  Food Safety  •  Communication  •  Measuring


Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKNUM004 Locate, compare and use highly familiar measurements for work


Plus Non-Accredited Coffee Skills


Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
Speaking Up & Speaking Out
Create - Concentrate - Communicate
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Do you have a unique story to tell? Sometimes we just need some help telling it. Or do you have an opinion or viewpoint on something and have trouble sharing it?
It can be difficult to talk about ourselves or our own lives or opinions but we almost all reminisce about times past, about our own lived experiences. Reminiscing helps us organise the memories of our lives into stories. Stating our opinions helps others to learn and to see things from someone elses prespective.
We would like to help you to learn to speak up and speak out about the things that matter to you most.

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKOCM003 Participate in familiar spoken interactions at work


Plus Non-Accredited Intro to IT & Social Media

This is a full day program with students required to attend both sessions.
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Support Workers encouraged to attend

Full Day Program
10 x day sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm 
Around the World in 80 Minutes
Virtual Reality - IT Skills for the Future - 1 day per week x 5 weeks start date to be confirmed
Morning session - 9:30am - 12:00pm 

Have you always wanted to climb Mount Everist or swim with dolphins in tropical waters? Do you wish you could go on Safari in Africa or visit outer space? Well now you can go ‘Around the world in 80 minutes’ with a different virtual destination each week, you might even get to ride the best rollercoasters in the world if you are game!

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKDIG001    Use digital technology for short and basic workplace tasks

Plus Non-Accredited Digital and Online Safety

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
Travel Bloggers - Teamwork and communication
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:30pm

Following on from your morning adventures, each week you will report on your virtual travels. This will include interviewing each other for a final weeks video presentation and Green Screen photo putting you right in the picture and on location.

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKOCM001    Participate in highly familiar spoken exchanges


Plus Non-Accredited Digital photography

This is a full day program with students required to attend both sessions.
Full Day Program
10 x day sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm 
Legends in Your Own Lunchbox 
1 day per week x 10 weeks 

Food Prep Skills  
Morning session - 10:00am - 12:00pm 

Will cover packing a healthy lunch box for class, for work or for a picnic or other outing. We will focus on foods that keep well out of the fridge, and foods that will fill you up and keep you going for the day. After class we have a feast at MakerSpace, we might even go and picnic on "Albert Island”.

You will need to bring a lunchbox and a drink bottle.

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKRDG004 Read and respond to short and simple workplace information


Plus Non-Accredited Food Safety

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
The Woodies
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Would you like to do some work in our Community Shed at MakerSapce? Learn how to safely use some basic handtools and complete a great project for home using recycled timber and other recycled materials. You will need to be patient in this session because we will be working on just one or 2 very special pieces. This course will be well supervised and personal protection equipment will be supplied.

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKNUM004 Use basic and familiar metric measurements for work

Plus Non-Accredited workshop safety skills or Non-Accredited Communication & Teamwork module.

This is a full day program with students required to attend both sessions.

Support Workers encouraged to attend

Full Day Program
10 x day sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm 
Backyard Blitz
1 day per week x 10 weeks 
Independent Living 
Morning session - 10:00am - 12:00pm 

Backyard Blitz aims to develop independent living skills in Home Maintenance. We Aussies love the great outdoors and our backyard is a very important living space that needs to be well organised and kept clean, tidy and safe. This course will promote the idea of helping around the house and sharing tasks in order to become a more valuable and valued member of the household.

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKRDG001 Recognise extremely short and simple signs and symbols

Plus Non-Accredited Workplace Health & Safety

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
Ready, Set, Sew
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Join us in the FabLab for some great fun and learn new skills at the same time. Discover your hidden talent for sewing in this fun and educational program. Students will research and produce a number of simple projects whilst getting a firm foundation of sewing, safe work practices and skills for work or for fun.

Students will get the opportunity to visit a local Textiles Workplace and learn about what it's like to work in the textiles industry.


Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKNUM004 Use basic and familiar metric measurements for work or

FSKLRG03 Use basic strategies for career planning

Plus Non-Accredited workshop safety skills or Non-Accredited Communication & Teamwork module.


Support Workers encouraged to attend

This is a full day program with students required to attend both sessions.
Full Day Program
10 x sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm
Staying Safe in the Winter Months
First Aid
10:00am - 12:00pm 

Would you know what to do in an emergency? Could you get help for yourself or the people you love?

In this course, you will learn how to stay safe and how to get help for yourself or for someone else who is in trouble.

You will learn about how to be safe at work, at home and in the outdoors. We will focus on things that we do in the colder months. We will have a visit from a first aid trainer who will demonstrate CPR and you will get to practice on the First Aid mannequins!

We will be covering a non accredited First Aid module in this course.

The above program is funded by Community Service Obligation funding for eligible students

Students attending the afternoon session will have a
Lunch Break! from 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or lunch can be pre ordered at our Wilderness Cafe. See MENU

Support Workers encouraged to attend

Your enrolment into the morning session automatically includes registration in the ReCommunity - Art Attack afternoon session.
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1:00pm - 3:00pm
Art Attack
The ReCommunity Project is coming to MakerSpace for 5 weeks of fun, fun, fun! Get creative with this Visual Arts course. Learn new skills and uncover your creativity. Work on your concentration skills at the same time! With some special guest presenters from our community, we will make useful and beautiful items for home or gifts for friends and family.
The ReCommunity Project is funded by the NSW Government

ReCommunity brings Creative Arts for all to support wellbeing and reconnection with community.
Head to the ReCommunity Website for more information

Support Workers encouraged to join in the fun

Full Day Program
10 x day sessions 10:00am - 3:00pm 
Look Good - Feel Fabulous
Personal Presentation Skills 
Morning session - 10:00am - 12:00pm 

Look Good & Feel Good  while you learn important skills to make a good 
impression and feel confident.
We will use role plays and games to build confidence and improve communication skills
We will spend time learning how to get along well with others and how to put your best foot forward in all situations, such as going to a special event, doing volunteer work or working part time. We will practice some personal grooming and presentation and go on an opshopping spree to buy a new outfit to make us look and FEEL FABULOUS.
In this program, we will be building life skills, with a focus on:

• Personal Presentation • Communication • Grooming •

Students will be supported to complete the following Nationally recognised unit/s of competency: 
FSKOCM001 Participate in highly familiar spoken exchanges
Non Accredited Personal Presentation

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
Let's Go Fly a Kite
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Join us in the FabLab for some great fun and learn new skills at the same time. Discover your hidden talent for sewing in this fun and educational program.
The primary project students will work on will be a kite. Working as a team, participants will be completing a full sized kite and number of simple projects along the way.

Students will have the opportunity to learn the foundation skills of sewing, safe work practices and skills for work or fun and will be supported to complete one or more of the following Nationally recognised unit/s of competency:
FSKWTG002 Write basic workplace formatted texts
Plus non accredited teamwork module

Come and join the MakerSpace Community and make new friends


Support Workers encouraged to attend

This full day program is available in the following locations: 
Fun Facts about Food
Where does our food come from?
10:00am - 12:00pm 

In this program, we will explore where our food comes from. We will find out how food is processed and how it ends up on our plate. 
Spend some time out and about as the bus takes you all around the district visiting the farms and markets where our food is produced.  Talk to farmers and foodies about what it is like to work in the food industry. We will be learning how to make a food budget and stick to it as we make our farmgate purchases to bring back with us to prepare to cook up a storm in our afternoon session. 

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKOCM002    Engage in short and simple spoken exchanges at work
FSKLRG003    Use short and simple strategies for career planning 


Non Accredited modules  - Budgeting for Meals

Lunch Break! from 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or lunch can be pre ordered at our Wilderness Cafe. See MENU
Farm to Fork
Cooking with local produce
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Join Jill in the kitchen for this afternoon session and together, you will cook up a feast from the ingredients sourced on our morning adventures around the farms and markets.​ 
Depending on what is on the menu for the day, we will either devour it for afternoon tea or package it up to take home for dinner! Learn to follow basic recipes and store foods safely.

Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
Use strategies to plan simple workplace tasks

Non Accredited modules - NAC - Budgeting for Meals and Sourcing and Storing Foods Safely

Support Workers encouraged to join in the fun

1 day per week x 10 weeks 
Computer Research Skills
Morning session - 10:00am - 12:00pm 

Would you like to do some work in our Community Shed at MakerSapce? Set some important learning goals for your Life Skills Express program for the rest of the year. What skills would you like to learn? What would you like to make? How can we make this happen - together.
Spend the morning in the Community Shed and learn how to safely use some basic handtools and complete 2 great projects for home using recycled timber and other recycled materials. You will need to be patient in this session because we will be working on just one or 2 very special pieces. This course will be well supervised and personal protection equipment will be supplied. You will need to wear closed in shoes for the shed


Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:

FSKRDG002 Read and respond to basic workplace signs and symbols

Plus Non-Accredited Workshop Safety module & Non-Accredited numeracy module

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Students will be required to bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the Wilderness Cafe next door. If purchasing lunch, orders will be taken on arrival at 10:30am. Follow the link to the MENU
Around the World in 80 Minutes
Afternoon session - 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Have you always wanted to climb Mount Everest or swim with dolphins in tropical waters? Do you wish you could go on Safari in Africa 
or visit outer space? Well now you can go ‘Around the world in 80 minutes’ with a different virtual destination each week, you might even 
get to ride the best rollercoasters in the world if you are game!


Students will be supported to complete the following unit of competency:
FSKDIG001 Use digital technology for short and basic workplace tasks 

Plus Non-Accredited Travel Planning module

This is a full day program with students required to attend both sessions.

Support Workers encouraged to attend

4 Albert Circuit, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444                                                               02 6583 7288

ASQA Registered & Accredited Training Organisation RTO45596 NESA Registered & Accredited provider of a Special Assistance School 

ACEQA Registered & Approved provider of out of school hours care services

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