SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol
It is a requirement that anyone who sells, serves or supplies alcohol in NSW holds a current RSA Certificate.
This course is Liquor & Gaming NSW approved and the cost includes the Photo Competency Card.
To obtain this statement of attainment students must successfully complete the required assessment tasks.
Upcoming Dates
1 day
Trainer lead face to face, classroom based
Photo ID on the day
16 yrs or over
$210 per person

1 Session - Mon 24 Mar 9:00am - 5:00pm Taree
1 Session - Mon 31 Mar 9:00am - 5:00pm Kempsey
1 Session - Thu 10 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Port Macquarie
1 Session - Tues 22 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Taree
1 Session - Tues 22 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Port Macquarie
SITHGAM022 Provide responsible gambling services
Legislation requires all people working or intending to work in gaming areas of hotels and registered clubs to complete an approved course.
This course is Liquor & Gaming NSW approved and the cost includes the Photo Competency Card.
To obtain this statement of attainment students must successfully complete the required assessment tasks.
Upcoming Dates
1 day
Trainer lead face to face, classroom based
Photo ID on the day
18 yrs or over
$150 per person

1 Session - Tue 25 Mar 9:00am - 5:00pm Taree
1 Session - Tues 1 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Kempsey
1 Session - Fri 11 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Port Macquarie
1 Session - Wed 23 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Taree
1 Session - Wed 23 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Port Macquarie
The course is designed to give Responsible Gambling Officers (RGOs) and other senior roles within hotels and clubs that operate gaming machines advanced knowledge, confidence and the practical skills required to effectively interact with patrons, particularly in high-intensity situations, and the leadership skills required to competently guide and support staff in creating a safe gambling environment.
This course is Liquor & Gaming NSW approved. Please be advised that a Certificate of Completion will be issued by the college.
To add the Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling to your NSW Competency Card, visit the competency card self-service portal, this can be done online with the following link Click Here
Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG)
1 day (6hours)
Trainer lead face to face, classroom based
Photo ID on the day
18 yrs or over
current NSW RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling)
$330 per person
Upcoming Dates

1 Session - Mon 14 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Port Macquarie
1 Session - Thu 24 Apr 9:00am - 5:00pm Port Macquarie
Additional Information from NSW Government
From 1 July 2024, the NSW Government will introduce Responsible Gambling Officers (RGOs) in licensed venues. The purpose of an RGO is to promote proactive gambling harm minimisation. Licensed venues with more than 20 gaming machine entitlements will be required to have a Responsible Gambling Officer on duty while gaming machines are in operation, as part of a suite of gaming reforms being implemented by the NSW Government. L&GNSW is proposing to mandate Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) training for RGOs and other senior roles within hotels and clubs that operate gaming machines.

The course is a one-hour abridged version of the Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) course, equipping Club Directors with a high-level understanding of their venue’s responsibility to minimise gambling harm.
Designed to give Club Directors of venues in NSW with gaming machines, meet gaming reform training requirements.
This course is Liquor & Gaming NSW approved. Please be advised that a Certificate of Completion will be issued by the college.
For more information, please download our brochure here.
Responsible Gambling Board Oversight (RGBO)
1 hour
Trainer led face to face delivery.
RGBO classroom delivery student
capaity limits: face to face up to
25 students, virtual up to 20 students.
Classroom based or in your
boardroom or meeting space.
Video conferencing option is also
Completed enrolment form
Photo ID on the day
18 yrs or over
$130 per person
Upcoming Dates